So anyway, we arrived in Canberra this afternoon and we are here until tomorrow then off to Sydney. We started in Cairns and worked out way down to Brisbane and across to the Western Plains Zoo yesterday in Dubbo. It was a really, really big day and I went to sleep picturing animals in my head but it was a fantastic day! You feel so close to the animals without fences in the way. If you haven't been there, they just mound the ground up so you are standing higher than the animals and put a fence at the bottom to keep them in... you barely even remember the fences are there and you feel like they could jump out and get you at any time!
One last thing before I go... if you don't subscribe to the Stampin' Stuff newsletter, I now have High Hopes Rubber Stamps back in stock. There are about 180 stamps to choose from now so make sure you check them out if you are a HH fan!