And it is too! When I was watercolouring this image (it took hours!) I watched Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events. Now the bit in that movie that makes me squirm each time is the part with the leeches. Even though you don't actually see them, having them in the water scares me. I didn't have a whole lot of reason then to be worried but I do now....
I went walking a few weeks ago with my dad in the rainforest. It is a rough, barely used walking track to a really nice waterfall, I was taking photos, enjoying the view when I looked down and I had a leech on my leg! After screaming and jumping around for a bit I got it off (well, dad did... I wasn't touching it)... little did I know that leech was creating a diversion while I was being ambushed by a gang of more dangerous, blood-sucking leeches!! ARGH! I had about seven on each foot and they were getting in my shoes everywhere! This went on for a few hours... every time we stopped walking I had to take my shoes off and pick them off... then they got stuck to my fingers... EWW! Well, the end of the story is my foot didn't take too kindly to such an attack and I got what I now call 'Blimp Foot' where my foot and ankle (or Cankle as it was then) got so swollen it resembled a blimp for a week that I couldn't drive the car or walk further than the toilet... and had to take three days off work! I looked pretty silly limping with no shoe (double EWW!) though the doctor surgery to get anti-biotics.
The END!
Now to the card... this is
WALKABOUT WALLY! He has decent footwear on while he is trecking but as my dad found out that day, the leeches still get through your socks and down to your toes even in boots. Wally might need leech proof socks...!