Sunday, 28 October 2007
So Pretty

Monday, 22 October 2007

Sunday, 7 October 2007
Oh, I just couldn't be happier with this one! I ordered this kit from Crafting In Style and I just absolutely love it!! I can't take credit for the design because I pretty much just followed the instructions rather than trying my own thing but theirs just looked so good that I wanted to do it similar!!
I was given two VERY valuable pieces of advice last weekend at the La Porchetta Day and I had to keep repeating them in my head the whole time but you know what?.... they helped so much!!
Rachael told me "you have to follow it through, don't make up your mind about a layout until its finished" this is so true Rach and thats one of my biggest problems, I give up before I have finished becuase I think it looks dumb... now I am going to follow through with everything becuase I didn't like this a million times before it was finished and now its one of the best I have ever done!! (the other best being the double layout below!)
Teina told me another really valuable piece of advice (they are both so helpful that I can't pick between them) "JUST CUT IT... there is no point in stressing that you are going to stuff up a piece of paper... just cut it up beucase at the end of the day, its just paper and next week you will find something you like even better!) WELL, Teina, you hit the nail on the head here! My other problem is that I don't like to cut or use my pattern paper in case I ruin it or find another use for it and don't have it anymore.... this is all going to change.... from now on, I'm going to follow Teina's advice and JUST CUT IT!!
THANKS RACHAEL AND TEINA!! You two are just priceless!

Here is the long awaited photo of the BBQ Apron Challenge that I had with Karen! The challenge was to make a girly apron and this is what I came up with... if you would like to see what Karen made click HERE!
I intended at the time to make another apron to add to the challenge but I just sat staring at paper for ages because surprisingly, its really hard to make it girly... Rachael did a fantastic job though!
While staring at paper and just trying to kill time until inspiration arrived (I don't go looking for it by the way, I just sit patiently until it comes to me... call me lazy!) I made this little Stampin' Up! arpon just becuase I had a logo sitting next to me from a flyer I was working on at the time!
Just for laughs.... its very boring but it killed five minutes so it was amusing at the time.....